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Maskup Shop

Maskup Sachet

Maskup Sachet

Regular price 89,00 zł
Regular price Sale price 89,00 zł
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Do clients stain clothes with makeup in your boutique?
It's hard to sell a blouse stained with powder.... Either you throw it away and lose income or cover the cleaning costs. Either way - you lose money.

Introduce hygienic sachets into your fitting room and you will never have this problem again.

Maskup protects your clothes from makeup stains during fitting.

It's a solution already proven by more than 90 European fashion brands.

One pack of sachets (30 pieces) protects up to 150 clothes from stains in your boutique.

Place the sachets in an accessible and visible place in the fitting room.

Let your customers use the sachets whenever they need them.

Sachets in the fitting room are a sign of your consideration for the customer's comfort.

Do you sell online? Add a sachet to every shipment!
A sachet in each shipment gives you a guarantee to return only clean garments.

If the customer stains the garment after all and returns you a blouse with signs of use - you can refuse to accept the return.


Because your store has provided her with hygienic fitting conditions in the form of hygienic sachet.

Order sachets and enjoy selling only clean clothes!

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Jeśli prowadzisz biznes, znajdź poniżej swoją branżę

Maskup w Twojej branży


  • butiki odzieżowe
  • sieciowe sklepy odzieżowe
  • projektanci mody
  • salony sukien ślubnych
  • wypożyczalnie sukien

Uroda i kosmetyki

  • salony kosmetyczne
  • sklepy kosmetyczne
  • salony fryzjerskie
  • makeup artists

Zdrowie i rekreacja

  • salony SPA
  • siłownie
  • apteki
  • baseny

Sztuka i rozrywka

  • teatr
  • balet
  • opera
  • plan filmowy
  • sesja zdjęciowa

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